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Jesse Hardy and her three friends did not expect how unbelievable things would come through, when they set off to a journey on their way to West Texas.   Just at the beginning of the journey, they have to turn off the route by taking the wrong path. Later, a town will appear in front of them, which is not visible on the map and is almost impossible to be there. When the young people enter the town, they are shocked by what they see. The townspeople have attracted the attention of young people with their lifestyle dating back to the 1950s, but everything in the town seems to be from those years. Cars, vehicles, things, and the clothes that people wear are from 60 years ago, and they are all brand new, as if they were purchased yesterday. Oddly enough, according to the townspeople, the calendar shows July 30, 1956. Young people have a great time at the beginning in this strange place, but then they have to face the real face of the town. When they want to leave town, a nasty surprise awaits them. Getting out of town is not as easy as entering.


The town is the second published novel by Olcay ŞEKER. It was first published by Cinius Yayınları at the beginning of 2017, and then it reached to the readers in the beginning of 2020 with the AHBAP KİTAP label.